In recent years, the role of the Church in America has undergone a series of complicated shifts. While people have always looked to churches as important community spaces, the changing needs of society have been reflected in a changing idea of what churches can and should offer. In the midst of these shifts, pastors may find themselves in a difficult spot. Today’s article, an excerpt from our Resilient Pastor series in Barna Access Plus, explores how pastors, Christians and non-Christians say a church should show up in its community. Read More...
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Whether your church is just starting or has been around for a while, we're here to support you in establishing or enhancing a vibrant follow-up ministry. Our mission is to minimize burnout among pastoral leadership and the congregation, drawing wisdom from Exodus 18, where Jethro advised Moses on delegation. The result is a healthy church, where intentional shepherding produces strong, faithful believers. Reach out to us and let's embark on this transformative journey together! 🏛️🌟🙏🏽