Fake News! What To Do?

Fake News!  What To Do?

Fake News! What To Do?

In today's world, it has been suggested that religion's role as a restraint on behavior has been replaced by therapy, viewing restraint as unhealthy repression. The decline of Christianity in certain regions has led to a shift in belief, with a transfer from messianic redemption to a secular utopia. The concept of original sin has been challenged, making way for the idea of original innocence. Instead of the traditional notion of fallen humanity redeemed by a Savior on the Cross, the focus has shifted to the goodness of mankind being redeemed from the negative influence of authority. Salvation through faith has been questioned, and the emphasis is now on an association of free and unfettered spirits creating a heavenly existence on Earth. (Londonistan, 70, Melanie Phillips).

Didn't The Bible Tell Us This Would Happen?

Indeed, the Bible forewarns of such times. 2 Timothy 4:3 warns that a time will come when people will reject sound doctrine, seeking teachers who cater to their desires. Matthew 24:11 cautions us about false prophets who will mislead many. Timothy is urged to preach the word diligently (2 Timothy 4:2), and the gospel must be preached worldwide as a testimony to all nations before the end comes (Matthew 24:14).

Sounds Simple To Me! Preach The Gospel & Make Disciples!

The Great Commission remains clear: Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). We are instructed to teach them to observe all that Jesus commanded, and He assures us of His everlasting presence (Matthew 28:20).

Knowing these truths, why do we sometimes feel nervous in our service to God? Shouldn't these prophecies and remedies solidify our purpose in our Christian walk? Let's seek God's will and discover the unique part we each play in fulfilling the Great Commission. God has given us gifts to manifest His Kingdom, and we must resist being swayed by the world's selfish systems. We should ask for God's help to overcome any worldly influence and focus on renewing our minds through His Word (1 John 2:15, Romans 12:2).

Standing Firm in Faith

Now is the time to decide where we stand and remain unwavering in our faith, being a shining example to others. Joshua 24:15 encourages us to choose to serve the Lord wholeheartedly, disregarding other temptations.

Fake News Is Defeated At The Cross!

Finally, let us remember that fake news, misleading beliefs, and negative influences were defeated by Christ on the Cross. Through Him, rulers and authorities were disarmed, and His victory was displayed openly (Colossians 2:15).

With the truth of God's Word guiding us, let's face the challenges of today's world with unwavering faith and a commitment to spreading the gospel to all nations, trusting in God's ultimate triumph over falsehood and deception.

**Founder's Corner - Dear Pastors and Church Leaders,

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, which I believe was divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit. As a natural warrior with a strategic mind, I am learning to balance this spirit with compassionate messaging that uplifts and encourages. My prayer is that it blesses and enriches your journey.**

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