As pastors and church leaders, let's imagine if Jesus walked into our churches today. What changes would He make? How would we respond to His suggestions? Would we hold on to the familiar ways, saying, "This is how we do it at...?"
Perhaps Jesus would bring "Disruptors" into our midst, individuals who challenge the status quo and bring positive change. They might encourage us to think outside the box, foster creativity, and drive transformation for the betterment of our ministry's processes and services.
The Bible reminds us that leadership comes with great responsibility, and when we follow Christ, we are accountable for the positions He has given us. If Jesus urged us to rebuild and start from scratch, would we be willing to do so, even if it meant firming up our foundation on solid ground?
In our journey as church leaders, we must be open to hearing the Holy Spirit's guidance and recognize the "Disruptors" He sends to help us. These individuals can sharpen our skills, expand our reach, and lead us to greater influence. Just as Jethro advised Moses in Exodus to divide and conquer, embracing skilled and aggressive team members can propel our ministries to new heights.
Jesus never let opposition deter Him from speaking the truth and showing love. As leaders, we should lead by example, demonstrating both compassion and firmness, staying focused on the most important commodity—souls.
Disruptors, when harnessed properly, can take us deeper in our ministries and help us make a lasting impact. So, let us embrace disruption, allowing Jesus to work through us via the power and inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
In my past business and ministry experiences, I have learned the value of "Disruptors." They have helped me sharpen my tools and go deeper in whatever field I was in, just like Jesus did during His time on Earth. When properly harnessed, disruptors can expand my reach and influence, just as Jethro taught Moses in Exodus—to divide and conquer.
I recall times in my restaurants when I used to be hesitant about hiring people with greater skills and aggression than myself, fearing that they wouldn't submit to my leadership. Additionally, I used to believe that no one could do things better than me, which led to limited expansion and eventually burnout.
But as I grew as a leader and follower of Jesus, I learned to welcome disruptors into my teams. I realized that they brought fresh perspectives and innovative ideas that improved our business operations and services. Instead of fearing their impact, I embraced their presence, empowering them to contribute to our collective growth.
Incorporating disruptors allowed us to expand our reach, improve customer satisfaction, and create a more dynamic and thriving environment. By letting go of my ego and learning from those with diverse skills, I found my role as a leader shifting from trying to do everything myself to nurturing and empowering my team.
n our ministries, just as in my restaurants, embracing disruption can lead to new levels of effectiveness and impact. Jesus calls us to be open to change and to learn from those He sends to help us. By allowing ourselves to be disrupted, we can create an environment where new ideas flourish and where our ministries can grow in ways we might never have imagined.
So, let us remember the lessons from our past experiences, and when Jesus sends "Disruptors" into our lives and ministries, let us recognize their value and the potential they bring for growth and transformation. Through the power and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, let us embrace disruption and lead our churches and organizations to new heights for the glory of God.
**Founder's Corner - Thank you for reading my blog. God showed me that my legacy lies in empowering others, and the vision is greater than me. I patiently wait for Him to send workers. Let's write down and share our visions to build a community of dedicated individuals, impacting lives through God's calling. Together, let's stand united and faithfully follow His divine guidance, leaving a lasting legacy.**
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Whether your church is just starting or has been around for a while, we're here to support you in establishing or enhancing a vibrant follow-up ministry. Our mission is to minimize burnout among pastoral leadership and the congregation, drawing wisdom from Exodus 18, where Jethro advised Moses on delegation. The result is a healthy church, where intentional shepherding produces strong, faithful believers. Reach out to us and let's embark on this transformative journey together! 🏛️🌟🙏🏽