Michael Brown's Personal Reflection on Creation
Introduction: The concept of creation, as depicted in the Bible, revolves around the belief in God as the divine Creator of the universe and everything within it, with Genesis 1 and 2 providing the primary account of this creation.
Personal Background: Growing up amidst the wilderness of Long Island, NY, I experienced a profound connection with nature that impacted my life significantly. From playing outdoors, interacting with various creatures, to witnessing the beauty of nature's elements, I felt a strong sense of divine presence in creation, surpassing even the teachings I received in church. These experiences led me to recognize the existence of a divine Creator who orchestrated the universe's grand design, igniting a passion to know more about Him.
Understanding God's Role in Creation: The Bible's account of creation, particularly in Genesis 1:27, emphasizes that God created humanity in His own image. Acknowledging that God fashioned the universe and human beings deepens my understanding of my purpose and assignment. Knowing that I am created to glorify God and make Him known compels me to seek a deeper connection with Him, immersing myself in His Word and seeking His presence through prayer.
The Rejection of the "Big Bang Theory": The "Big Bang Theory," which posits the universe's origin from a hot and dense state billions of years ago, presupposes the existence of pre-existing matter, which points to the existence of a divine being. My belief in this divine being is strengthened by my acceptance of Jesus Christ as my Savior and experiencing the personal knowledge of God through the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
The Power of Being Created in God's Likeness: Understanding that I am created in God's likeness grants me the same creative power to fulfill His Will in my life and exercise authority over various aspects of life. This authority empowers me to love my wife, guide my children, minister to others, manage finances, and leave a legacy of faith, hope, and love. It instills in me the confidence that I am not a victim but an overcomer through God's indwelling Spirit.
The Impact of the Project: This reflection project has allowed me to articulate the profound lessons God has taught me through His divine scriptures. It reinforces the power of the spoken Word and the significance of meditating on God's truths. I believe this lesson will serve as an altar, continually bearing fruit in the lives of others I encounter.
Conclusion: In this personal reflection, I've gained a deeper appreciation for God's role as the Creator and my purpose as His creation. Nature's beauty and the Bible's wisdom have merged, shaping my understanding of the divine Creator who empowers me to lead, love, and overcome. I am grateful for this journey of self-discovery and revelation of God's grand design in creation.
**Founder's Corner - How has the creation revelation shaped your life? Your testimony? Does your ministry reflect the creative power of God? Is your congregation aware who they are relevant to creation? What would a church look like that operated from the principle of creation? How would that effect our communities and the world's view of the church? Just something to consider. **
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